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Wainstalls, Halifax, West Yorkshire, HX2 7TE


Wainstalls School

Together We Can

Pupil Results

Pupil Assessment Information


Key Stage 2 2023 (KS2) results

 Percentage of pupils achieving the Expected Standard (National Average in brackets):

Reading 93% (NA 73%), Writing 93% (NA 71%), Maths 89% (NA 73%), Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 93% (NA 72%).

Reading, Writing and Maths combined 82% (NA 59%).

Percentage of pupils achieving a high level of attainment (Greater Depth Standard):

Reading 46% (NA 29%), Writing 7% (NA 13%), Maths 50% (NA 24%), GPS 54% (NA 30%).

Key Stage 2 2022 (KS2) results

Percentage of pupils achieving the Expected Standard (National Average in brackets):

Reading 90% (NA 73%), Writing 87% (NA 78%), Maths 93% (NA 79%), Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 97% (NA 78%).

Reading, Writing and Maths combined 83%.

Percentage of pupils achieving a high level of attainment (Greater Depth Standard):

Reading 37%, Writing 3%, Maths 33 %, GPS 43%

Key Stage 2 2020 & 2021 (KS2) results

End of Key Stage assessments were suspended nationally in Summer 2020 and Summer 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please find below our results from previous years:

Key Stage 2 2019 (KS2) results

Percentage of pupils achieving the Expected Standard (National Average in brackets):

Reading 96% (NA 73%), Writing 92% (NA 78%), Maths 96% (NA 79%), Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation 96% (NA 78%).

Reading, Writing and Maths combined 92%.

Percentage of pupils achieving a high level of attainment (Greater Depth Standard):

Reading 64%, Writing 16%, Maths 56 %, SPAG 60%

Average Scaled Score 2019: 

Reading 111.3, Maths 110.7, GPS 112.0 

Pupil progress score: 

Reading + 7.97, Writing + 2.30, Maths + 6.42.

Key Stage 2 2018 (KS2) results

Percentage of pupils achieving the Expected Standard (National Average in brackets):

Reading 90% (NA 79%), Writing 81% (NA 74%), Maths 90% (NA 76%), Spelling Punctuation and Grammar 95% (NA 78%).

Reading, Writing and Maths combined 81%.

Percentage of pupils achieving a high level of attainment (Greater Depth Standard):

Reading 62%, Writing 5%, Maths 57%, SPAG 57%

Average Scaled Score 2018: 

Reading 110.3, Maths 108.8, SPaG 108.9 

Pupil progress score: 

Reading +3.7, Writing -3.7, Maths +2.4.

Key Stage 2 2017 (KS2) results

Percentage of pupils achieving the Expected Standard (National Average in brackets):

Reading 95% (NA 71%), Writing 95% (NA 76%), Maths 95% (NA 75%), Spelling Punctuation and Grammar 95% (NA 77%).

Reading, Writing and Maths combined 95%.

Percentage of pupils achieving a high level of attainment (Greater Depth Standard):

Reading 50%, Writing 25%, Maths 20%, SPAG 40%

Average Scaled Score 2017:

Reading 110.3, Maths 106.3, SPaG 106.0

Pupil progress score:

Reading +5.4, Writing +2.3, Maths +1.6.

Further information on Academies performance tables can be found on the DFE website by following the below link.